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[Lithium 1 / Shan 1] - [Lithium 2 / Shan 2] - [Lithium 3 / Shan 3]
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You're Lithium, and your arms have fallen off again. Fortunately, your supervisor Curie is here to reattach them; unfortunately, she's got a job for you. You'll need to deliver Old Man Kincaid the results of his bloodwork, and he lives way, way out of town. It looks like it's going to be a long day.
Exit the hospital — on your way out, you'll meet a signalman with a message for your supervisor. Point her in the right direction and continue outside. Heisenburg is a big city, and you'll have to ride the bus [F] from Heisenburg's Business District to its Residential District. From here, visit the train station [I] and catch a train to Kincaid Manor. There's more to do in Heisenburg than ride public transport, but you're on the clock and don't need to dawdle around.
[-TOWN MAP- (business)] | [-TOWN MAP- (residential)] |
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After an uneventful ride, you'll arrive at Kincaid Manor. Head inside and find Old Man Kincaid arguing with his nephew Darach. Once they finish, you can deliver the report — but the Kincaids don't want you to leave. Jump out the window and avoid being captured by Kincaid security. When you reach the exit, you'll be confronted once again by Darach.
Boss Fight: Darach Kincaid Darach has challenged you to a fight! With the dire report delivered to Old Man Kincaid, the family doesn't want to let you leave alive. Darach is a bit of a pushover, though, so it shouldn't be too hard to take him down. Even after you beat him he'll still demand that you show your deference.
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The day's events have left you worn out, but at least you're back in your apartment. Take a nap and rest — hopefully your dreams are pleasant. (They're not.) When you awake, get yourself some food: takeout, since there's nothing good in the fridge. After a brief confrontation with your landlord, return to your phone to place your order. The food will arrive along with an anonymous note inviting you to a clandestine meeting at the abandoned GNCO factory. Leave your apartment and take the train [I] into the Wastes.
[-TOWN MAP- (business)] | [-TOWN MAP- (residential)] |
After you arrive outside the factory, crawl under the fence and look through the ruins; you'll find your contact in the northeast. It's Nitros, the signalman you met at the hospital! She will explain her reasons for summoning you, but a lurking GNCO guard will overhear you and attack. Team up with Nitros to defeat her. Afterwards, the two of you can hop a cliff back over the fence. Return to the train with Nitros in tow and you'll progress to the game's next chapter.
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[Lithium 1 / Shan 1] - [Lithium 2 / Shan 2] - [Lithium 3 / Shan 3]
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